Church Media Squad

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Instagram Stories Ideas

This post comes from our Social Media Squad – a team of ministry-experienced experts who help churches connect online without the stress of constant content creation. Want to free your team from social media tasks? Click here to schedule a quick chat to learn how we can help.

Churches often wonder how to get more engagement on social media, especially on platforms like Instagram. More people engaging in posts means more opportunities for people to hear the Gospel and come to church… right?

While engagement is important, many churches often miss a huge opportunity to connect with people on Instagram because they’re so focused on what to share on their feed.

Wondering what the secret to more engagement is?

Instagram stories!

  • You can share photos and videos on a whim

  • Low pressure in sharing since they only live for 24 hours

  • They can be very engaging

  • Many tools offered in stories that aren’t available on your feed (like sharing direct links to websites)

Instagram CEO, Adam Mosseri, shared a post about the value of sharing content on your Instagram stories. He says that it’s not about increasing your following, but rather strengthening your connection with the followers you already have. The stronger the connection you have with your followers, the more loyal they become and the more likely they’ll be to engage with your posts on the feed.

How can churches use Instagram stories to increase engagement?

1. Start posting!

It’s a low-level effort, and no professional cameras or designs are needed! Simply pull out your phone, take a few photos or videos in the portrait orientation, and share a behind-the-scenes look at services, events, and more.

Here are a few more ideas:

2. Polls

Everyone loves participating in a poll. You can ask anything! Though we recommend keeping it related to your church, community, vision and values, etc. A few ideas to get your started:

  • When do you prefer to read the Bible? (morning, midday, night)

  • Are you interested in joining a small group? (yes, no, maybe)

  • What service are you attending tomorrow? (9am, 11am)

3. Question Boxes

Question boxes are a great way to inspire a response from your followers. You can ask all kinds of questions, but here are a few examples to get you started:

  • What was your favorite quote from the sermon today?

  • What's your favorite Bible verse?

  • How can we pray for you?

  • Where's your favorite place in town to study the Bible with friends?

4. Emoji Slider and Buttons

Have you tried the emoji slider or buttons? These are very easy and lots of fun! Use these to get people excited for services or upcoming events. Here are a few different ways you can use them:

  • Who's excited for Sunday?

  • Tap the heart if you need prayer today.

  • Let us know if you're coming to youth tonight!

5. Links

Since you can't share links on Instagram posts, Instagram stories are a great way to encourage registrations for events, share links to resources, or link to pages where people can learn more about the things your church is doing.

6. Countdown

Have a big event coming up? Use the countdown feature to let people know. It will even remind them once the big day comes!